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National Hispanic Cultural Center

1701 4th Street South West

About Us :

The National Hispanic Cultural Center (NHCC) is dedicated to the study, advancement, and presentation of Hispanic culture, arts, and humanities. Since its grand opening in 2000, the NHCC has staged over 20 art exhibitions and 400 programs in the visual, performing, and literary arts. Programs have featured local, national and international artists, scholars and entertainers. The NHCC provides venues for visitors to learn about Hispanic culture throughout the world.

In 1998, a sixteen-acre site was chosen for the $34 million project along the east side of the Rio Grande River in the heart of the historic Barelas neighborhood in Albuquerque. Since then the project has grown to encompass over 50 acres with an estimated cost of over $50 million. Barelas, a traditionally Hispanic neighborhood, has historically been a crossroads for New Mexico’s people. The community was settled for its proximity to a natural ford in the Rio Grande river and the Camino Real, the Spanish colonial era Royal Road used primarily for trade between Mexico and northern New Mexico.

The architectural design of the NHCC has been created to accommodate a wealth of cultural programs in the visual, performing, media and literary arts. The various buildings and structures speak to the history and culture of hispanidad with features recalling styles from Spain, Mesoamerica and early New Mexico.

The National Hispanic Cultural Center enjoys the broad support of the New Mexico State Legislature as well as the federal government. The NHCC is part of the State of New Mexico’s Department of Cultural Affairs along with seven other state museums and six state monuments

Upcoming Events at National Hispanic Cultural Center

Carnaval: Veinte Anos

Saturday, Mar 1, 2025 at 7:30pm
Albuquerque Journal Theatre
Albuquerque, NM
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Carnaval: Veinte Anos
