To protect farmers, ranchers, and the general public, The Downtown Farmers Market of Manhattan will suspend normal operations and will open an Essentials Market beginning April 18th, continuing until further notice. Like grocery stores, farmers markets are essential to the health and well being of our community, and local farmers are essential to the stability of our food system. Under normal circumstances, farmers protect our community with rigorous food safety plans. While we are living in abnormal times, our farmers will continue delivering safe food in a safe environment. To protect our farmers and our community, we have made several changes to the market and we look forward to restoring our full and exciting market experience when we can ensure community safety.
Season: Summer and Winter
Market Hours:
Saturday Market
April - October, 2025
Saturdays, 8:00am - 1:00pm
Winter Market
November, 2024 - March, 2025
Saturday, 9AM - 1PM
Location: 3rd and Leavenworth in the Dillard's west parking lot