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Burning of Zozobra

Burning of Zozobra
490 Bishops Lodge Road

The History of Zozobra:

Artist William Howard “Will” Shuster, Jr. created the first Zozobra in 1924 as the signature highlight of a private party for Los Cinco Pintores, a group of artists and writers who made their way to New Mexico in the 1920s. He was inspired by Easter Holy Week traditions in the Yaqui Indian communities of Arizona and Mexico, in which an effigy of Judas is led around the village on a donkey and ultimately set alight. Shuster and his friend, E. Dana Johnson, editor of the local newspaper, came up with the name Zozobra, which in Spanish means “anguish, anxiety, or gloom.”

Shuster’s creation first burned in his backyard in 1924 as a 6-foot effigy and, over the years, has grown to a towering 50-foot high marionette. Made of wood, wire, and cotton cloth and stuffed with bushels of shredded paper, which traditionally includes obsolete police reports, paid-off mortgages, and even divorce papers, Zozobra is a dark and eerie character, part ghost and part monster. Since those early days, the people of Santa Fe, families, and friends new and old, have annually made their way to Zozobra Field at Fort Marcy Park, a few blocks from the historic Santa Fe Plaza, to view this one-of-a-kind Labor Day Friday pageant.

Upcoming Events at Burning of Zozobra

Burning of Zozobra

Friday, Aug 29, 2025 at 4:00pm
Fort Marcy Park
Santa Fe, NM
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Burning of Zozobra

Recent News

101st Burning of Zozobra

Zozobra is a full evening of fun. With live entertainment, food trucks, the burning and a fabulous fireworks show. Schedule of Events: GATES OPEN AT 4 PM 4-6 PM Live Entertainment 4:50 pm Lumbros 5:40 pm Moving Arts Española Ballet…

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