Government and Politics
February 22, 2023
From: Township of BridgewaterAt its meeting on Thursday, February 16, the Township Council approved an update to the Township emblem. This initiative was led by Council President Michael Kirsh with a goal of refreshing and providing additional detail for the previous design, adopted in 1976.
The new emblem retains the image of George Washington connoting Bridgewater’s history, trees representing our scenic nature, and the geographic outline of the Township. The Betsy Ross flag image was purposely changed to the Hokinson flag, celebrating the first time the stars and stripes were flown in the United States above the Middlebrook Encampment in 1777. The new design also more prominently highlights 1749, the year of Bridgewater’s Royal Charter. Next year, 2024, will be the milestone 275th Anniversary.
"It was crucial that we maintain the intent and overall character of the original emblem while providing a clearer display of all elements. This is a visually bold look that suits modern electronic and print needs while maintaining the history and fabric of Bridgewater," said Council President Michael Kirsh. "I discussed my intention with the designer of the original emblem and she concurred that it was appropriate to refresh her work. I am grateful for the strong support of this initiative from Council, Administration, and Township Clerk’s staff."
The Township has begun substituting the new emblem on its various digital channels. All other uses will be replaced upon inventory depletion to minimize cost.