
City Garage Theatre : Last Two Weeks for Margaret Atwood's 'The Penelopiad'

Arts and Entertainment

December 9, 2022

From: City Garage Theatre

What the Critics Are Saying:

Stage Raw: Top Ten! Recommended! (by Amanda L. Andrei):

“To see a cast of 13 women onstage is a delight, and to see 11 of them metamorphose into a raft of ducks, a ship, a group of weavers, a pair of sacrificial animals, and more — feels like a modern yet anciently rooted chorus at its best and is a credit to Frédérique Michel’s choreography and direction.

Art Matters (by Edward Goldman):

"Yet another amazing and arousing production at City Garage Theatre retelling the story of the Trojan War. With choreography, singing and nudity... plenty of it! 

The World Through Night Tinted Glasses (by David McDowell Blue):

“What really makes up the beating heart of this production are the twin beats of ritual and theme. In a true echo of Greece's ancient theatre, much here is made of dance and masks….The way the cast members became ships, became waves, became ghosts, became slaughtered animals, etc. was part of how director Frederique Michel brought a frankly difficult play to life….A wonderful dive into the imagination.”

Angeles Stage (by Don Shirley):

“Approaches the “hallelujah” level!”

Will Manus, Total Theater.com:

“Masterful… The Penelopiad stands out as one of City Garage’s most memorable productions.”

Joseph Hazani, A Dilettante:

“A wonderful all-female ensemble….directorially brilliant.”

Ravi Narasimhan, Backscatter:

“The Penelopiad receives a bracing, audacious performance as Santa Monica’s City Garage returns to full swagger….The adaptation is a corker….fragrant, dark, and bitter with an eye-opening kick. “

Tracey Paleo, Gia on the Move:

“In The Penelopiad at CityGarage it is the women who finally illuminate the actual tragedy of Homer’s epic. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!”

Please note that while masks and proof of COVID-19 vaccination are no longer required at City Garage, both are strongly recommended for the safety of our performers, staff, and other audience members.

BUY TICKETS FOR “The Penelopiad”

Thanks to all who have contributed so far toward our goal of $27,000 to match the new grant we received from the California Arts Council. Merci to our new donors of this last week, Lindsie Carlson, Philip Brandes, Ravi Narasimhan, Sharon and Chester Graine, Rafaela Commitante, and Geraldine Fuentes. So far, thanks to all of you, we’ve raised $11,150!

-Ruth Flinkman and Ben Marandy

-Kat Adibi (in memory of Bill Moynihan)


-Jeff Atik

-Holly and Harold Dunnigan

-Peggy Flood

-Emyr Gravell

-David Tillman

-Ann Wang

-Michelle and Curt Wittig

-Talma Zelitzki

-Lisa and Bill Gray

-Nina Kamberos

-Pamela St. Clair Johnson

-Ann Bronston

-Berta Finkelstein and Bill Claiborn

-Tom Laskey

-Ernest Tam

-Myron Meisel

-Steve Diskin

-Lindsie Carlson

-Philip Brandes

-Ravi Narasimhan

-Sharon and Chester Graine

-Rafaela Commitante

-Geraldine Fuentes

Can you help us get the rest of the way? Please make your gift by following this link

Contribute before December 31st to our $27k matching campaign!

Also, don’t forget to support us on Patreon and get access to our whole library of City Garage Classics: 

Merci, and see you soon at City Garage!



BUY TICKETS NOW FOR “The Penelopiad”