Mission Statement:
The mission of WYCO Ethnic Festival is to foster a climate of inclusiveness, promote relationships and contact between people, and educate each other about our common humanity. Any ethnic group or organization with people who live, work, or have educational ties to Wyandotte County are invited to sell ethnic food, clothing, or other approved items. In addition there will be wonderful dancers, musicians, and vocalists performing traditional ethnic music. There are activities for children and their families under the Creative Children's Area.
Schedule: 10:00 a.m: Presentation of Colors by KCK Sheriff's Dept. 10:10 a.m: Shawn & Gloria Derritt "Star Spangled Banner and American the Beautiful" duet 10:25 a.m: Laotian Flute - Amee Her 10:40 a.m: St. Monica Inspirational Choir - Director…
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