Mission and Goals:
The mission of Trinity College of Florida is to equip men and women for Christian service to the church and all humanity through effective Biblical, Professional and General Education leading to associate and baccalaureate degrees.
The goals for achieving this mission are:
Spiritual - to orient, motivate, and lead students to Christian maturity and spiritual depth;
Academic - to provide an understanding of the Bible as the basis for Christian life and thought within the context of the College statement of faith and to introduce students to the Western intellectual tradition;
Intellectual - to develop in students the ability for critical analysis and to motivate in them a desire for continuing intellectual pursuits;
Professional - to produce graduates competent for Christian service to humanity in the areas of their individual choices.
Trinity College of Florida believes that the Bible should be at the heart and core of all training and is the standard for evaluating all claims to knowledge. The Bible, as the inspired Word of God, is instrumental in thoroughly equipping God's servants for ministry. This philosophy is reflected in the wide range of Bible and theology courses offered. The College believes that the Bible is the only framework within which a consistent, effective, and productive worldview, lifestyle, and life of service to God and humanity can be maintained.