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Shoals Art ( was built in 2005 by David Messer, president of
i-Net Services, Inc. in Florence, Alabama. David is an active member in the Florence Kiwanis Club. David brings Internet and Information Technology business knowledge gained with Inter@ctive Week's 500, Fortune 500 and Global 500 companies, three Chambers of Commerce, and building dot-com companies.

He has a professional background in graphic arts, drafting and multi-media design and enjoys outdoor digital and traditional photography. He is the founder of Cypress Creek Art, where his works may be purchased online. Most recently taking the key success experiences from working with the W.C Handy Festival website and founding member of First Fridays in Florence, David is applying this expertise to the,, and websites.

"I am proud to be called a Shoals resident, I tell all my friends and business associates throughout the U.S. how terrific the quality of life is here in Northwest Alabama. You do not have to go far to find quality shops, galleries, or cultural affairs and events. The Shoals has everything to offer with more to come!" - David Messer, President