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Servatii Bockfest

About Bockfest

Bockfest is first and foremost, a community event. In addition to throwing a great, three day long party, our goal is to celebrate and support our local community. We work to grow Bockfest every year, to increase attendance, to grow the parade, to add events, and to raise more money to spread the word. However, as enthusiastic as we are about growing the festival and sharing it with an increasingly wider range of America, we are unwavering in our commitment to keep Bockfest unique, authentic and local. There is no charge to the public to attend Bockfest and we work to include all types of local businesses because our goal is to promote Over-the-Rhine, its rich heritage, and the people who live and work here to as broad of an audience as we can reach.

Recent News

33rd Annual Servatii Bockfest

Schedule of the Event: March 7, 2025 Friday night of Bockfest is the perfect way to end your week and kick off the best festival in Cincinnati. Watch the funkiest parade in town and celebrate the Coming of Spring! Parade The Bockfest Parade…

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32nd Annual Servatii Bockfest

Bockfest is Cincinnati’s annual celebration of Spring, Over-the-Rhine's brewing heritage, and Bock Beer. It stumbles into its 32nd year on March 1-3, 2024 in and around Over-the-Rhine's historic Brewery District. We return to our roots in…

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