Our mission is to provide fair and impartial service, while working with the community to improve the quality of life for all. We strive to do the right thing, for the right reason, in every situation.
About Us:
The Richmond Police Department has eight full time dispatchers. Dispatchers are responsible for handling all incoming calls to the department while also handling all radio traffic for the patrol officers, and for the Richmond Fire Department. The dispatcher has the responsibility of handling all 911 calls and fire calls. Being a dispatcher is a very difficult and stressful job that requires a person to have the capabilities of doing several things at one time.
Our records Division consist of one records person who is responsible for making sure that all information needed in reports, citations, arrest reports, and accident reports are up to date and correct. This person is also responsible for any dissemination of information in compliance with the Open Records Act.
Reserve Police Officers for the City of Richmond receive the same field training as the regular officers. The reserve officer is used to fill in when the department is short on manpower due to in-service classes, parades, and special occasions being conducted. The department currently has one reserve officer.