About Us:
We are a unique local congregation of Redemption Church, seeking to embody the hope of the Gospel in Gilbert. This means that we continually strive to be formed in the faith, as we pursue faithfulness in community, for the sake of God's redemptive mission.
Each week on Sunday we come together to worship our great God. We worship by singing songs that either speak absolute truth about God and His ways, or that declare our longing to see the gospel applied to our hearts, feelings, and desires. We worship through the preaching of the Bible, God’s perfect and Holy Word to His church. We worship by communicating to God through prayer, believing that He listens to His people. We worship through communion by remembering Christ’s life, death, and resurrection for those who place their hope in Him as their Lord and Savior. We typically teach through books of the Bible and always remain rooted in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Sunday Services:
8:00AM, 9:30AM, 11:00AM