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Rancho Linda Vista Oracle Art

PO Box 160

Founded in 2005, RLV OracleArt, Inc. is a not-for-profit 501-C3 foundation dedicated to supporting innovative cultural projects, public art education and outreach, as well as archiving and preserving artwork. This initiative builds upon the tradition of creative endeavor established by the Rancho Linda Vista Arts Community in Oracle, AZ by working to foster significant artistic exploration and dialogue, as well as promote cultural opportunities and learning in the arts for people of all ages and backgrounds.

Towards this end, RLV OracleArt will offer facilities for artists to test new ideas in a rural setting of unparallelled beauty while encouraging the sharing of ideas – both with local artists and the surrounding community – through residencies and fellowships, public workshops, performances, lectures, installation and display. RLV OracleArt additionally seeks to safeguard the region’s rich artistic heritage through art preservation and promotion.

An important focus of RLV OracleArt is the RLV Summer Youth Workshop, which since 1998 has provided an opportunity for under-served children from the region to experience the joy of music, dance, poetry, drama, film and visual art. Our most pressing need is both to house the already up-and-running Workshop and to create the space necessary to host cultural events and artist studios.

To realize these aims, RLV OracleArt, Inc. seeks to partner with businesses, cultural institutions, agencies and individuals in order to purchase a 4,000 square foot barn on Linda Vista Road in Oracle in which to establish a permanent home. We also seek direct support for our programs and activities.

If you would like to support the growth of the arts in southern Arizona in general, and in Pinal County in particular—a rural area with an economically and ethnically diverse population— please contact us at