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Othello Sandhill Crane Festival

About Our Festival

This is our annual Othello Sandhill Crane Festival!!  Founded in 1998, the Othello Sandhill Crane Festival highlights the spring return of Sandhill Cranes to the greater Othello area and Columbia National Wildlife Refuge.

Our Festival is held in Othello's largest venue, however; room size, audience capacity, and space of the building is limited. Othello is a very small city.

The three-day non-profit Festival includes a variety of entertaining, educational, and memorable activities for the whole family to enjoy. Lectures are delivered on Saturday only, whereas tours are conducted on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

Since its beginning, the Festival has been financially supported by the city of Othello through tourism development funds (hotel/motel taxes) and logistically supported by Othello Community Schools and Columbia National Wildlife Refuge.

The Grant County Conservation District provides additional financial support and administrative guidance.

The Othello Sandhill Crane Festival Committee is made up entirely of volunteers (with the exception of a single part-time employee) who plan, organize, and conduct the event. The Committee includes a cross section of Othello citizens, Grant County Conservation District and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service staff, and residents from neighboring communities. While we do our best to accommodate all of our visitors' requests, and read all comments submitted each and every year, please understand that the Festival and our venue are limited in size and scope.

Recent News

27th Annual Othello Sandhill Crane Festival

This is our 27th annual Othello Sandhill Crane Festival!! Founded in 1998, the Othello Sandhill Crane Festival highlights the spring return of Sandhill Cranes to the greater Othello area and the Columbia National Wildlife Refuge. Lectures will be…

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26th Annual Othello Sandhill Crane Festival

This is our 26th Annual Othello Sandhill Crane Festival!! Founded in 1998, the Othello Sandhill Crane Festival highlights the spring return of Sandhill Cranes to the greater Othello area and Columbia National Wildlife Refuge. Lectures will be…

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