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Montrose Township Senior Center

Montrose Township Senior Center
200 Alfred Street,

The Montrose Township Senior Center will sponsor a breakfast at 8 a.m. on the last Thursday of the month. The cost is $5 and includes pancakes, bacon, sausage, eggs and hash browns!

Research shows that older adults who participate in senior center activities have higher levels of health, social interaction, and life satisfaction than those who don’t. Our senior center is busy all the time! Programs vary significantly, but most offer a variety of options to appeal to a 50+ audience. Some of the activities provided include yoga, bingo, shuffleboard, quilting & knitting, jewelry making, cooking/baking, writing club, arts & crafts, education workshops, card games, field trips, dinner club, Senior Olympics, the Rockin’ Marching Grannies and much more.


Back in the day, a small group of senior citizens had met for about 10 years in the township hall to play cards and “chew the fat”. Then an opportunity rose. A small building the school district used to house four kindergarten classes was empty. For $100 a month for 20 years, the seniors would have their own place. Marion “Lew” Lewellyn supervised early development of the new Senior Center while James Campbell helped organize activities for the seniors. The doors of the Montrose Township Senior Center opened in March 1980. Weekly bingo was a favorite until a euchre tournament was introduced in the fall of 1981. Euchre continues to be a favorite along with pinochle. Over the years the Center has gone through many changes, building renovations and different faces. All will agree on the benefits the Center has provided from education and meals to friendship and camaraderie.

Mission Statement:

The Montrose Township Senior Center is a community-gathering place where seniors laugh and learn, find information and assistance and focus on their complete health. We are a community-gathering place. Seniors from in and around Montrose come together to meet each other, learn to know each other, and help each other. We value our small-town atmosphere. Seniors laugh, learn and enjoy their health. The Montrose Township Senior Center is a place where seniors can celebrate their total well-being. More importantly, we provide an environment that encourages seniors to be active, to stay mentally, physically, and socially engaged, to live lives of quality, meaning and dignity. The Montrose Township Senior Center provides programs and services to all individuals regardless of race, religion, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, or income level. The Montrose Township Senior Center is a place where friends gather.