Club History :
On a very hot July night (July 29, 1929) sixty-one men met at Our Cafeteria, on the west side of the courthouse square, to organize the Lubbock Lions Club. Lamesa had been chartered on July 1, 1929 by the Snyder club which was chartered in 1924 and was the chartering club for the Lubbock club. The Lubbock Lions Club charter was issued by Lions International on August 5, 1929 and the charter night was on August 20, 1929 held at the Lubbock Hotel. The club met there until January, 1930 and then moved to the new Hilton Hotel, and was the meeting place until the early 1960's.
The first project for the Lubbock Lions Club was the planting of trees in Shannon Park. It was subsequently called Lions Park and is now known as McKenzie Park. During the same fall period of 1929, park benches were purchased and placed on the courthouse square. C.F. Drexel was the first President.
The Lubbock club was responsible for chartering the clubs at Crosbyton, Morton, Littlefield, Abernathy, Spur, Lubbock South Plains, Lubbock Hub, Lubbock Southwest, Lubbock Lipscomb, and New Home. The last three charter members of the sixty-one were Dr. Fred Harbough (died 1987), Thord Dockery (died 1988), and Judge Robert H. Bean (died 1990).
The Lubbock Lions Club has been the largest Lions Club in the United States since 1972 and has a proud past and a confident future.