biblical truth/theology: The Bible is our standard of knowing, living, and being --we seek to know God and center our life on His truth.
love/friendship: We are a community, committed to one another by encouragement, sacrifice, time, and care--we seek to be intimate, honest and trusting.
worship: Music is a regular expression of our faith in God, one of many corporate responses to His grace--we seek to honor God in word and deed.
prayer: Prayer connects us to the heart of God and provides His vision for our direction--we seek to meet God in prayer and consider His desire before ours.
family: We are a spiritual family dedicated to supporting individual families through sharing, feeding, teaching and caring--we seek to nurture diverse families.
service: Love and leadership are demonstrated through labor and acts of kindness--we seek to attend needs within our greater community.
stewardship: The resources of our church, physical and spiritual, are gifts from God--we seek to handle our resources with wisdom and respect.