The Donald W. Reynolds Boys & Girls Club is a non-profit 501 (C)(3) organization currently serving over 8,000 members. Formerly known as the Fayetteville Youth Center, the Club has over 60 years of service to youth and families in the local community. An annual membership or a daily user fee is required to utilize the facility. Scholarship applications are available upon request.
Mission Statement:
To enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens.
Our Vision:
The Donald W. Reynolds Boys & Girls Club is a youth-centered and family-based organization dedicated to:
- Helping participants develop the social and moral competencies necessary for achieving their full potential;
- Offering a broad variety of indoor and outdoor programs, aimed at the different levels and facets of development;
- Presenting a kaleidoscope of opportunities for youth and families to be actively engaged in the growth process;
- Providing a positive and constructive environment for interaction among youth, families, and adults from diverse backgrounds; and
- Including the community as as active partner in ensuring that youth are equipped to become productive citizens.