Mission Statement:
The mission of Creston Community Consolidated School District #161 is to maximize our resources to enable students to acquire the knowledge and develop the attitudes and skills necessary to become productive members of a dynamic and global society.
We at Creston School have organized the curriculum, staff, and physical facilities to achieve this purpose in corroboration with the parents and community. The goals are as follows:
To develop individual excellence in the following skills - Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking, and Problem Solving.
To develop in each child a sense of self-esteem, a respect for others, an understanding of human relations, the value of hard work, and the importance of humor.
To provide a school community wherein faculty and staff serve as role models for the students.
To provide opportunity, through study and comparison, to understand, experience, and value the importance of American citizenship, the democratic principles of government, and the importance of community involvement.
To motivate students to reach their potential.