Our singular purpose as a church is to navigate people to God. We
believe that all people were created by God and are meant to be in
relationship with Him. God has provided a way for people to know Him
through Christ and we live to proclaim that message of hope and
forgiveness. Everything we do centers on two great principles. The
first is the Great Commandment which challenges us to love the Lord our
God with all our mind, soul, and strength and to love others. The
second is the Great Commission which commands us to go and make
We would love for you to join with us in
moving the Kingdom of God forward. At Compass Christian Church you can
expect to be loved, challenged, and valued. It is our desire that every
person who calls themselves Christian would become a fully devoted
follower of Jesus. We believe this happens through participation in
daily private and weekly corporate worship, actively serving Christ
with your unique gifts and talents, engaging relationally with others
for accountability and encouragement, and navigating others to God
through lifestyle evangelism.