Vision Statement
The Vision of the City of Greenville is to build on our hometown values and rich heritage as a diverse community, by providing cost-effective, quality services to create an enjoyable, vibrant place where families and businesses choose to live, grow and prosper.
Values and Goals
The Guiding Values are:
-Promote Quality Education
-Provide a Safe Community
-Promote Economic Vitality & Create a Sustainable Community
-Become a Destination for Visitors, Residents & Businesses
-Promote Family Values
-Effectively Manage City Operations
The Goals established by the City Council are:
-Goal 1 - Lower the Ad Valorem Tax Rate
-Goal 2 - Focus on Quality of Life Issues
-Goal 3 - Improve Appearance of the Community
-Goal 4 - Pursue Greater Public Safety
-Goal 5 - Achieve Significant Progress on City Infrastructure
-Goal 6 - Promote Economic Growth
-Goal 7 - Communicate to Community that City Council is Unified in its Efforts