It started with a mission to help the people whose lives were affected by cancer. In 1973, Gloria Gutkowski, facing her third recurrence of cancer, was dismayed by the lack of support available through the medical community. She gathered a group of doctors, nurses, social workers, friends and family members around her dining room table – and Cancer Lifeline was born.
Since the beginning, Cancer Lifeline has constantly introduced and championed new advances in cancer support and now offers diverse experiential support groups and classes, informational presentations, and exercise programs tailored to the unique challenges of people who have (or have had) cancer. In addition, as the survivorship rates for cancer have improved over time, Cancer Lifeline has focused on the new realities of many who are living with cancer for extended periods of time.
Our years of experience have revealed four common needs which guide our programming:
Need for Information
Need for Inclusion not Isolation
Need to Express Feelings Without Fear of Judgement
Need for Choice and Control
Cancer Lifeline is committed to broadening access to our services through hospital partnerships, access to up-to-date cancer resources, and by sharing our expertise with like-minded community organizations who want to develop their own programs.