Schedule of Services:
Sunday School... 10:00 A.M.
Sunday Morning... 11:00 A.M.
Evening Worship.. 6:00 P.M.
Wednesday Night 6:30 P.M.
The Ballew's Chapel Free Will Baptist Church was organized in 1912 by J.A. Kaffka and A.J. Rowlett. The first pastor was J.A. Kaffka and the first deacons were J.R. Ballew, John Butts, J.N. McCoy, Lonnie Anderson, and Lonnie Palmer. Services were held in the Ballew's Chapel schoolhouse.
In 1938 the Ballew's Chapel schoolhouse was torn down. A new schoolhouse was built behind the old one. It is believed that the church met in the new schoolhouse. In 1942 the church built a new building about a half of a mile north of the Cemetery and old Ballew's Chapel school where the Riley house is presently located. In 1946 the Ballew's Chapel school consolidated with Grubbs and the schoolhouse was moved to Grubbs.
In 1952 built a new church building was built on the Ballew's Chapel cemetery site (where the old Ballew's Chapel school once stood). In 1967 a new additions was made to the church and in 1972 the church built a parsonage just north of the church.