
What are Iowa Republicans Talking About Behind Closed Doors in DC?

Government and Politics

January 21, 2025

GOP “menu” or budget measures includes middle-class tax hikes and deep cuts to health care 

DES MOINES – Last week, the House GOP began circulating a “menu of options” for the GOP’s tax and budget bill. The proposals will have to go through committees - Appropriations, Agriculture, Energy & Commerce, Financial Services, and Ways & Means - that members of Iowa’s congressional delegation sit on. Proposals include:

- Eliminating the home mortgage interest tax deduction

- Taxing non-profit hospitals

- Taxing scholarships and student loan interest

- Eliminating the child and dependent care tax credit

- Cutting corporate taxes to 15%

- A 10% across-the-board tariff – even on allies like Canada and Britain

- Reducing subsidies that help Iowans buy health insurance on ACA exchanges

- Over $1 trillion in cuts to Medicaid

“Iowans deserve to know how our congressional representatives are responding to this menu of options,” said Rita Hart, Chair of the Iowa Democratic Party. “When members respond to this ‘menu,’ they should make their responses available for everyone to see. Do they support throwing Iowans off health care, making childcare even more expensive, and raising taxes to pay for another giveaway to the wealthy and well-connected?”