Government and Politics
January 24, 2025
The South Dakota Democratic Party joins many Americans sharing their concern over the confirmation of Kristi Noem as the new Secretary of Homeland Security. Noem has consistently put her personal agenda ahead of the needs of everyday South Dakotans. Now, she will be tasked with one of our country's largest agencies managing border security and natural disasters. Noem's tenure as Governor of South Dakota has shown she lacks the ability to manage such an agency. It has been marred by high turnover, a lack of transparency and corruption.
In Noem's six years as governor, she has had five chief of staff, her Secretary of Health resigned, and the taxpayers of South Dakota paid $200,000 to settle a lawsuit with a department head in Labor after being fired for refusing to grant Noem's daughter a real estate appraiser's certificate.
Noem has repeatedly been banned from our Native reservations. Most recently, for her comments regarding tribal leaders "personally benefiting" from drug cartel activity on the reservations. Now, as Secretary of Homeland Security, she will be expected to work with tribal leaders on security policy and practices.
Noem used the SD National Guard in a political stunt to further her favor with Donald Trump by sending them to the southern border. Despite the rhetoric, the South Dakota National Guard was unable to act as border security because federal law prohibited it. When South Dakotans needed her assistance during the recent flood, Noem refused to send the SD National Guard because it would be "extremely expensive" and that the National Guard should only be used for a "crisis situation."
When Noem first ran for Governor in 2018, she promised government transperancy. Since being elected, she has routinely refused to meet with the media, hold regular press conferences and to disclose security and travel expenses to the legislature. During her time as governor, there have been several cases of embezzlement and fraud involving state employees. Four were indicted in 2024 costing the taxpayers millions.
"Good leadership builds bridges that bring people together. Noem has spent her tenure as governor tearing people down and sowing division in our state. She has specifically targeted and marginalized those she does not agree with or understand. Good leadership also builds a team that will help them do a better job serving the people. Noem's administration has been a revolving door of people whose exit coincide when their opinions and advice don't align. Noem had the opportunity to do many great things for South Dakota, but squandered it for her own personal gain. We look forward to working with incoming Governor Larry Rhoden. His common sense approach to government will be appreciated. Hopefully, we can get back to focusing on real issues that matter to South Dakotans." - Dan Ahlers SDDP Executive Director.