
Spokane Great Outdoors and Bike Expo 2024

Clubs and Organizations

January 24, 2024

From: Spokane Great Outdoors and Bike Expo

Check out fun, entertaining, and engaging activities happening all weekend long. Learn from outdoors experts and plan summer adventures at 60+ booths and at presentations and clinics; check out RVs, camper vans, and outdoor gear; play games and enter to win hourly prize drawings; listen to live music and roast marshmallows or enjoy an adult beverage in the Expo “Campground;” let the kids ride bikes indoors and complete an Adventure Passport activity; and more!

Schedule of Events:

Saturday, February 17, 2024

9 AM: Show Opens.  

9:50 AM: Great Outdoors Giveaway Drawing. Enter at the R’nR RV indoor Campground before the drawing for a chance to win thousands of dollars in outdoor gear and outdoor adventures!

10 AM-4 PM: Free Marshmallow Roasting in the R’nR RV Campground. Roast one of your favorite camp treats on an indoor “campfire.”

10:10-10:50 AM: Gravel Biking in the Inland Northwest. Spokane gravel bike guru and Out There Outdoors “Everyday Cyclist” columnist Justin Short will answer the question: “What are these gravel bikes everyone is talking about and where do we ride them?” Short will give the goods on the recent phenomenon of multi-surface adventure riding known as gravel, covering the spectrum from bikes and gear to the skills needed to safely and confidently get lost in the woods. No doubt he’ll also cover where to go, because he really can’t help himself when it comes to talking about how great the riding is around the Spokane area.

10:50 AM: Great Outdoors Giveaway Drawing. Enter at the R’nR RV indoor Campground for a chance to win thousands of dollars in outdoor gear and trip prizes!

11:10-11:50: Bugs n Snakes Live. See tarantulas, amphibians, tortoises, lizards, and snakes up close and personal! Presenters will introduce a variety of exotic reptiles and invertebrates (spiders and stuff!) and give audience members a chance to ask questions, as well as touch and/or hold some of the animals!

11:50 AM: Great Outdoors Giveaway Drawing. Enter at the R’nR RV indoor Campground before the drawing for a chance to win thousands of dollars in outdoor gear and outdoor adventures!

12:30-1:50: Behind-the-Scenes of ALONE Season 9 with Karie Lee Knoke. Join Karie Lee as she shares untold stories of her incredible experience of surviving and thriving in the wild for 75 days in the wet and freezing conditions in Labrador, Canada, with nothing but 10 items, as seen on ALONE Season 9. The experience was an opportunity to put ALL life skills to the test. Not just wilderness skills, but mental, emotional, and spiritual skills as well, without interruption of modern-day distractions. There will be time for questions and answers following her presentation.

12:50 PM: Great Outdoors Giveaway Drawing. Enter at the R’nR RV indoor Campground before the drawing for a chance to win thousands of dollars in outdoor gear and outdoor adventures!

1:50 PM: Great Outdoors Giveaway Drawing. Enter at the R’nR RV indoor Campground before the drawing for a chance to win thousands of dollars in outdoor gear and outdoor adventures!

2:10-2:50 PM: 13 Essentials for Hiking, Backpacking, & Exploring the Outdoors with the Spokane Mountaineers. Recreating safely and responsibly in the outdoors is one of the most important teaching points from the Spokane Mountaineers. While there is always a level of risk when venturing into the outdoors, the group’s list of 13 essential items to carry with you can help mitigate those risks and be lifesavers in an emergency. Items can be tailored to your preferred outdoor pursuits from climbing to hiking to paddling!

2:50 PM: Great Outdoors Giveaway Drawing. Enter at the R’nR RV indoor Campground before the drawing for a chance to win thousands of dollars in outdoor gear and outdoor adventures!

3:10-4:30 PM: The Unexplained in Our Skies—Notable UFO Sightings in Washington State and the Spokane Area. Have you ever seen lights in the night sky that you couldn’t explain? If so, you’re not alone according to Dan Nims, who notes that there are thousands of reported UFO sightings in the U.S. each year. Nims is retired from the U.S. Air Force where he was a fighter pilot and test pilot, and became the Director of Test for the F-22 program and finally Director of Test Resources for the Air Force. As a chief investigator for the WA chapter of the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), Nims helps investigate around 200 UFO sightings reported in the Evergreen State each year but adds that there are many more sightings across the U.S. that are reported to other organizations and government agencies.

At his presentation at the Spokane Great Outdoors Expo on February 17, Nims will focus on high-profile and historic cases of UFO sightings in Washington State. Highlights of those reports include the 1947 sighting of a line of “saucer” like flying craft reported over the Cascade Mountains by pilot Kenneth Arnold, a sighting that led to the term “flying saucer” coming into use; sightings around Hanford, Wash., leading up to and during World War II; and other sightings including several large black triangle craft and other lights in recent years in eastern Washington.

3:50 PM: Great Outdoors Giveaway Drawing. Enter at the R’nR RV indoor Campground before the drawing for a chance to win thousands of dollars in outdoor gear and outdoor adventures!

4:50 PM: Great Outdoors Giveaway Grand Prize Drawing. Enter at the R’nR RV indoor Campground before the drawing for a chance to win thousands of dollars in outdoor gear and outdoor adventures! You do not need to be present at the drawing to win one of the grand prizes.

Sunday, February 18, 2024

10 AM: Show Opens.

11 AM-3 PM: Free Marshmallow Roasting in the Expo Campground. Roast one of your favorite camp treats on an indoor “campfire.”

10:50 AM: Great Outdoors Giveaway Drawing. Enter at the R’nR RV indoor Campground before the drawing for a chance to win thousands of dollars in outdoor gear and outdoor adventures!

11:10-11:50 AM: Fascinating Sites on the Ice Age Floods Geologic Trail. Follow the Ice Age Floods National Geologic Trail that extends across parts of Montana, Idaho, Washington and Oregon with photos and descriptions of the well-known features of the trail such as Grand Coulee, Dry Falls, Palouse Falls and the Columbia River Gorge. Flood features in the Spokane area such as Spokane Falls, the Bowl and Pitcher, Latah Creek and the Cheney-Palouse scabland tract will also be included in the presentation sponsored by the Ice Age Floods Institute, Cheney/Spokane Chapter.

11:50 AM: Great Outdoors Giveaway Drawing. Enter at the R’nR RV indoor Campground  before the drawing for a chance to win thousands of dollars in outdoor gear and outdoor adventures!

12:10-12:50 PM: All About E-bikes. Learn about the different types of electric assist bikes and where you can ride them from North Division Bicycle Shop. Look at some bikes, ask questions, and learn about these amazing distance-boosting bicycles!

12:50 PM: Great Outdoors Giveaway Drawing. Enter at the R’nR RV indoor Campground  before the drawing for a chance to win thousands of dollars in outdoor gear and outdoor adventures!

1:10-2:00 PM: Playing Outside Safely in Bear & Cougar Country. Learn about the amazing wildlife we share our trails, campgrounds, and public lands with, including cougars and bears. The presentation by Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife biologist Matt Brinkman will cover techniques for safely recreating and avoiding unwanted encounters and what to do in the rare case of a run-in with a bear or cougar in the wild.

1:50 PM: Great Outdoors Giveaway Drawing. Enter at the R’nR RV indoor Campground  before the drawing for a chance to win thousands of dollars in outdoor gear and outdoor adventures!

2:10 PM-2:50 PM: Learn About the 2024 Metaline Falls Bigfoot Festival Speakers. This annual event in the super-scenic northeast corner of Washington State includes talks by a wide-range of bigfoot researchers; a festival with vendors, food, and music; a 5k run or walk; opportunities to meet with presenters; and more!

3:45 PM: Great Outdoors Giveaway Grand Prize Drawing. Enter at the R’nR RV indoor Campground for a chance to win one of our grand prizes! You do not need to be present at the drawing to win one of the grand prizes.

Show Date: February 17-18, 2024

Hours: Saturday (9-5) and Sunday (10-4)

Location: Spokane Convention Center -  334 W Spokane Falls Blvd Spokane, WA 99201

Click here to buy tickets.

Click here for more information.