
Securing Our Homeland

Government and Politics

November 16, 2024

From: South Dakota Governor Larry Rhoden

I love South Dakota. I love our natural beauty – from the rolling plains to the incredible Black Hills, from the Mighty Missouri to the peaceful prairie lakes. I love our people – they’re the hardest working around with common sense American values and strong family morals. I love everything about our state (except for maybe the January weather).

Over the last six years, I have had the opportunity to serve as Governor of the greatest state ever. It has been the honor of my lifetime to be our state’s top advocate, to serve as Commander in Chief of our National Guard, and to make decisions that honor our state motto, “Under God, the People Rule.”

You may have heard that President Trump has asked me to come serve in his Administration as the Secretary of Homeland Security, and I am honored by the nomination. When President Trump asked me, I said yes because it is an opportunity for me to serve our nation – but also because it is an opportunity to make South Dakota safer. I respect the Senate’s role to engage fully and openly on the upcoming confirmation process. I look forward to discussing our nation’s security challenges and my commitment to addressing them head-on.

This position oversees the federal agencies responsible for our immigration system. Over the last four years, every state has become a border state. Millions of illegal immigrants have poured over our southern border, including at least 13,000 murderers and at least 15,000 rapists – and they’ve all been released into the interior of our nation. Think about that – that’s at least 4 murderers for every county in America. I don’t want any murderers in my county or anywhere near my kids and grandkids.

This border crisis has impacted us here in South Dakota, too. It has driven up crime in communities across the country as drugs and human trafficking have increased because of the willful inaction by the current administration. In South Dakota, this has hurt us the most on our tribal reservations, and I have extended my hand to help them address the very real public safety crisis that is caused by the cartels and their affiliates.

In this new role, I’ll oversee FEMA, just as you’ve seen me respond to flooding, blizzards, tornados, and wildfires in our state. We’ve made cybersecurity South Dakota’s next big industry, and I’ll have the opportunity to do similar work overseeing the Cybersecurity Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA). And South Dakota has become an example of innovative law enforcement training opportunities with our first-ever tribal-focused law enforcement training – I look forward to doing similar work with the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center.

Everything that I do will be focused on making America SAFE again, and that will make South Dakota safer, as well.

This state has been home all my life – and always will be. Thank you all for giving me the opportunity to serve you. I’ll be around for a bit yet, and when I take my new role, rest assured that I will continue to serve you in the years to come.