
Pima County Government FYI Newsletter - February 11, 2023

Government and Politics

February 11, 2023

From: Pima County Government

'Removing the barriers:' Resource navigators help community members find help they need

Mabby Sandoval had always been interested in becoming a nurse. Now, she’s on her way to what she calls her dream job with the help of a program she found by way of a Pima County resource navigator.

CWD has three resource navigators — located in the Flowing Wells neighborhood, Sahuarita and Arivaca — who are available to connect member of those communities with a plethora of County programs, services and nonprofit agencies.


Time is running out
to be dazzled by
the gem shows

This is the last weekend to browse or make purchases from the Tucson Gem, Mineral & Fossil Showcase, so make sure to plan your trip to any of the various locations around town.

Don't forget that many of those shows are located at Pima County's own Kino Sports Complex. And if you can't make it out this weekend, don't worry. Pima County has you covered with an outstanding year-round gem show at the Alfie Norville Gem & Mineral Museum, which is located at the Pima County Historic Courthouse.


Canines, cats, and more invited to walk in the Pets of Pima Parade

Put paws to the road with Pima Animal Care Center, Friends of PACC, community organizations, and pets from across our community for the second annual Tucson Subaru Pets of Pima Parade Feb. 19 along Historic North Fourth Avenue.

Friends of PACC, which hosts the parade, is hoping to have 1,000 members of the public join in the parade with their pets this year.. A variety of pets are invited to participate, from border collies to bearded dragons.


Green Geek takes on botany, bottles and batteries

What should you do with old AA batteries? Should you rinse out that bottle of soda before you recycle it? How can you pick out desert-friendly plants for your front yard? The Green Geek is here to answer your questions about all things green!

The Green Geek’s columns may look a bit different from past issues, and may not appear every month, but we’ll keep working to answer your questions. If you want to ask about anything green-related, send your questions to [email protected].


Health Department releases 2021-22 annual report

The Pima County Health Department has released its annual report for Fiscal Year 2021-2022. The 24-page document provides an overview of Health Department operations, accomplishments and key statistics during the 12-month period that ended June 30, 2022.

The report provides detailed insight into the department’s COVID-19 response, such as the fact that it received about $50 million in pandemic-related grant funding. That money helped the County administer around 100,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccine during the fiscal year, which ended with about 71% of the Pima County’s population fully vaccinated


Library wants to know
what's important to teens

The Pima County Public Library's Health Action Team wants to know what interests teens the most. The library has created a short survey where teens are being asked to share what topics matter to them. Your thoughts matter!

The Health Action Team will use the survey to blog about topics teens want to read about and will post the blogs on the library's website. The survey is open until March 17. Please share the survey link with your friends.