Arts and Entertainment
May 2, 2023
Once again we are planning a family weekend at APOTH. With the wishes continuing for Mac for the farm to be a spiritual and family retreat, we are planning a Memorial Weekend Celebration for everyone. Please bring food to share, camping gear and a good heart. Those who can help us, we need to plan the weekend before (Saturday May 20th and Sunday May 21st) for clean up the farm day. The farm needs to have some mowing and cleaning. The area around the Lodge is in need of clearing as well, checking the creek and picking up trash, maybe weed eating too. Please let me know if you can help for the clean up weekend. You can bring a covered dish to share, stay all night or do whatever you need to do. If you can give an hour (great)PM me Margie Taulbee. or call me on my cell 931-704-4321 I can not text.
Date and Time:
May 26, 2023 at 4am - May 29, 2023 at 7am
255 Terry Creek Lane,
Pioneer, TN 37847
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