Arts and Entertainment
April 13, 2023
From: Laramie County FairWyoming's Oldest and Largest Fair.
Schedule of Events:
August 2, 2023:
8:45 - 9:45 AM: 4-H Dog Show Registration/Vet Check - (Pre-Function Area)
10:00 AM: 4-H Dog Show-(Pre-Function Area-Agility in Small Animal Building)
Awards presentation: Friday, August 4th at 7 pm
1:00 PM: Check In for Open Dog Show - (Pre-Function Area)
2:00 PM: Open Dog Show- (Pre-Function Area-Agility in Small Animal Building)
2:00 PM - 7:00 PM: 4-H Static Interview Judging and Fashion Revue - (Exhibit Hall)
August 3, 2023:
7:00 AM - 8:00 AM: 4-H & FFA Horse Show Check In - (Archer Arenas)
8:00 AM - 6:00 PM: 4-H & FFA Horse Show- 7:45 first gate call for showmanship--Schedule as follows:
8:00 AM: Showmanship - After completion of showmanship, begin Halter
30-minute break until start of Western Pleasure, Western Horsemanship, Western Riding, Reining, Ranch Riding, Trail - (Archer Arenas)
*Awards Ceremony will be held on Saturday, August 5th at 6 pm
12:00 PM - 8:00 PM: Open Class Static Entries Accepted - (Exhibit Hall)
August 4, 2023:
6:00 AM: Barns Open
8:00 AM: 4-H & FFA Horse Show - Order: English followed by Livestock Events, Speed- (Archer Arenas)
9:00 AM: Open Class Static Judging - (Exhibit Hall)
9:00 AM: Supreme Cow Record Books due to Beef Superintendent-TC Berry
10:00 AM: Bucket Calf Contest- (Show Ring) followed by:
Youth Breeding Beef Show & Youth Feeder Calf Contest
1:00 PM: Supreme Cow Contest (Show Ring)
4:00 PM: Western Plains Heifer Jackpot Show (Show Ring)
5:00 - 7:00 PM: Check In/Vet Check for Poultry
7:00 PM: Dog Show Awards Presentation - (Location TBD)
9:00 PM: Barns Closed
11:00 PM: Curfew
August 5, 2023:
6:00 AM: Barns Open
7:30 AM - 8:30 AM: Poultry Check In & Vet Checks - (Small Animal Building)
7:00 AM - 9:00 PM: Fair Fun Exhibits and Entry Forms Check In (Exhibit Hall)
8:00 AM: Open To The World Horse Show Extravaganza Registration Opens - (Archer Arenas) Vet Check - 8-9 am
9:00 AM: Open To The World Horse Show Extravaganza - (Archer Arenas)
9:00 AM: 4-H Poultry Showmanship followed by:
Youth Poultry Show
4-H Market Poultry - (Small Animal Building)
10:00 AM - 2:00 PM: Farmer’s Market - (Beside Exhibit Hall)
10:00 AM: 4-H/FFA Dairy Goat Show & Showmanship - (Show Ring)
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM: Basic knitting with Margaret Barry - (Exhibit Hall)
1:00 PM FFA Poultry Showmanship followed by:
FFA Market Poultry - (Small Animal Building)
Awards (All poultry released in conclusion of awards)
1:00 PM: Youth Breeding Sheep Show & Showmanship - (Show Ring)
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM: Macrame Key Chain with Marion Severson - (Exhibit Hall)
2:00 PM: Scarecrow Contest - (Exhibit Hall)
4:00 PM: Youth Breeding Meat Goat Show & Showmanship - (Show Ring)
5:00 PM: Heartland Truck and Tractor Pull- (Archer Fairgrounds - Motorsports Park)
5:00 PM - 9:00 PM: Swine Vet Check-This is an early opportunity to bring swine into the building or they may wait until
Sunday between 12-5 pm. All swine must go through vet check before unloading.
6:00 PM: 4-H/FFA Horse Show Awards Ceremony - (Archer Arenas)
9:00 PM: Barns Closed
11:00 PM: Curfew
August 6, 2023:
6:00 AM: Barns Open
7:00 AM - 5:00 PM: Vet Check-All animals must go through vet check before unloading. All lambs & goats must be in place by
11 AM: Swine Vet Check will run 12 pm to 5 pm. Beef may come in until 5 pm or wait until Monday morning.
9:00 AM: 4-H Alpaca Show followed by Pee Wee Alpaca Show (Show Ring)
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM: All FFA Static Exhibits due in place (Event Center Pre-Function Area)
11:00 AM: All Lambs & Goats must be in the barn
11:30 AM - 2:00 PM: All Market Goat weigh-in and Ultrasound (Small Animal Building-North scale)
11:30 AM - 2:00 PM: All Market Lamb weigh-in (Ultrasound will take place at 2:30) - (Small Animal Building-South scale)
*Following each weigh in there will be a Mandatory 4-H Sale Meeting in the Meeting rooms. All youth planning to sell an animal in the 4-H sale are required to attend one of these meetings. If you are unable to attend the meeting on August 6th, there will be 2 other options available; Monday, August 7th following weigh in, or Tuesday, August 8th at 3 pm. You must attend one of the 3 options to be able to sell.
12:00 PM: All Swine may start entering the barn
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM: Kids Crafts - (Exhibit Hall)
2:00 PM: FFA Static Exhibits Judging - (Event Center Pre-Function Area)
2:30 PM: Market Lamb Ultrasound - (Small Animal Building)
3:00 PM: Laramie County Fair Ranch Rodeo - (Archer Arenas)
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM: Wreath making with Lisa Provance - (Exhibit Hall)
4:00 PM: Lovable Mutt Contest Open to Public (TBD)
5:00 PM: All Swine must be in the barn
6:00 PM: Goat Born & Raised Youth Show - (Show Ring)
7:00 PM: Milk A Goat (Dairy Goat Area)
10:00 PM: Barns Closed
11:00 PM: Curfew
August 7, 2023:
6:00 AM: Barns Open
6:00 AM - 9:00 AM: Vet Check-All animals must go through vet check before unloading. All beef must be in place by 9 am.
9:00 AM: All Beef must be in the barn
9:30 AM - 12:30 PM: All Market Swine weigh-in and Ultrasound (Small Animal Building-North scale)
9:30 AM - 12:30 PM: All Market Beef weigh (Ultrasound will take place at 1 pm) - (Small Animal Building-Beef scale)
*Following today’s weigh in there will be a Mandatory 4-H Sale Meeting in the Meeting rooms. All youth planning to sell an animal in the 4-H sale are required to attend one of these meetings. If you did not attend the meeting on August 6th, the 2nd option is Monday, August 7th directly following weigh in. Youth must attend one of these meetings to be able to sell their animal in the 4-H Sale.
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM: Wire Wrap Jewelry with Susan Londe- (Exhibit Hall)
1:00 PM: Market Beef Ultrasound - (Small Animal Building-Beef scale)
2:00 PM: FFA Market Goat Showmanship & FFA Market Goat Show followed by:
4-H Market Goat Showmanship, Pee Wee Showmanship Contest, & 4-H Market Goat Show (Show Ring)
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM: Needle Felting with Melissa Cullen - (Exhibit Hall)
7:00 PM: 4-H Junior Leader’s Soda Pop Baseball - (Archer Arenas)
7:00 PM: Milk A Goat (Dairy Goat Area)
10:00 PM: Barns Closed
11:00 PM: Curfew
August 8, 2023:
6:00 AM: Barns Open
9:00 AM: FFA Market Sheep Showmanship & FFA Market Sheep Show (Show Ring) followed by:
4-H Market Sheep Showmanship, Pee Wee Showmanship Contest, & 4-H Market Sheep Show-(Show Ring)
10:00 AM: 4-H Rabbit Breed Identification
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM: Tea Blending with Susan Allen owner of The Hawthorne Tree - (Exhibit Hall)
12:00 - 1:00 PM: Rabbit Check in/Vet Check - (Small Animal Building)
1:00 PM 4-H Rabbit Showmanship
FFA Rabbit Showmanship- (Small Animal Building) followed by: Rabbit Fun Classes (No premiums) Dress your Bunny Contest & Bunny Poster Class
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM: Basic Cross Stitch with Fran Fooks - (Exhibit Hall)
*Last and final option for the Mandatory 4-H Sale Meeting. This meeting will be held in the Meeting Room at 3:00 pm. If you have not attended a meeting yet, you must attend this meeting to be able to sell your animal in the 4-H sale.
5:00 PM: Beef Born & Raised Youth Show - (Show Ring)
5:30 PM: Check-In for Mutton Bustin’ & Sign Up for Stick Horse Race (Archer Arena)
7:00 PM: Mutton Bustin’ & Stick Horse Racing - Free Event (Archer Arena)
7:00 PM: Milk A Goat (Dairy Goat Area)
10:00 PM: Barns Closed
11:00 PM: Curfew
August 9, 2023:
6:00 AM: Barns Open
7:00 AM - 8:45 AM: 6-Class & 4-Class Rabbit Check in/Vet Check - (Small Animal Building)
9:00 AM: FFA Market Swine Showmanship & FFA Market Swine followed by: 4-H Market Swine Showmanship, Pee Wee Showmanship Contest, & 4-H Market Swine Show- (Show Ring)
9:00 AM: Rabbit Show - (Small Animal Building)
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM: Wet Felting with Margaret Barry - (Exhibit Hall)
1:00 PM: 4-H Junior Leader’s Ice Cream Social
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM: Basket Weaving with Marion Severson - (Exhibit Hall)
1:00 PM - 5:30 PM: Pie check in for Best of Laramie County Pie Baking Contest (Exhibit Hall)
1:00 PM - 1:45 PM: Check in/Vet Check for Cat Show - (Campbell/Ross Meeting Rooms)
2:00 PM: 4-H Cat Show (Campbell/Ross Meeting Rooms)
3:00 PM: Youth Pie Eating Contest - (Exhibit Hall)
6:00 PM: Lamb Born & Raised Youth Show - (Show Ring)
6:00 PM: “Shoot for Sight” Fundraising Event
7:00 PM: Best of Laramie County Pie Baking Contest - (Exhibit Hall)
7:00 PM: Milk A Goat (Dairy Goat Area)
10:00 PM: Barns Closed
11:00 PM: Curfew
August 10, 2023:
6:00 AM: Barns Open
9:00 AM - 9:45 AM: Guinea Pig/Pocket Pet Check in/Vet Check (Campbell/Ross Meeting Rooms)
9:00 AM: FFA Market Beef Showmanship & FFA Market Beef Show (Show Ring) followed by: 4-H Market Beef Showmanship, Pee Wee Showmanship Contest, & 4-H Market Beef Show
10:00 AM: Guinea Pig Show & 4-H Pocket Pets Show (Campbell/Ross Meeting Rooms)
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM: Seed Bead Earrings with Melissa Cullen - (Exhibit Hall)
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM: Stretch Bracelet with Fran Fooks - (Exhibit Hall)
1:00 PM: Pie & Ice Cream Social-Only Open to Beef Producers, Beef Showman, and their Families
4:00 PM: Swine Born & Raised Youth Show - (Show Ring)
6:30 PM: Check-In for Pig Wrestlin’ (Archer Arena)
7:00 PM: Pig Wrestling- Free Event (Archer Arena)
7:00 PM: Milk A Goat (Dairy Goat Area)
10:00 PM: Barns Closed
11:00 PM: Curfew
August 11, 2023:
6:00 AM: Barns Open
8:00 AM: FFA Large Animal Round Robin - (Show Ring/Dirt Barn)
4-H Large Animal Round Robin- Junior and Intermediate show together as one class - (Show Ring/Dirt Barn)
12:00 PM: PeeWee Sheep lead - (Show Ring)
2:00 PM: 4-H Small Animal Round Robin - (Show Ring)
All Non-Sale Animals Released Immediately Following Conclusion Of Small Animal Round Robin
7:00 PM: FFA Kiwanis Livestock Sale - (Wyoming Hereford Ranch)
7:00 PM: “Friday Funnies” featuring Tim the Dairy Farmer - (Archer Fairgrounds-Motorsports Park)
7:00 PM: Milk A Goat (Dairy Goat Area)
10:00 PM: Barns Closed
11:00 PM: Curfew
August 12, 2023:
6:00 AM: Barns Open
9:00 AM: 4-H Livestock Sale - (Event Center)
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM: All Exhibit Hall Entries and Exhibits will be released. Please pick up your entries.
5:00 PM: Demolition Derby - (Archer Fairgrounds-Motorsports Park)
Dates: August 2 - 12, 2023
Laramie County Fairgrounds,
3801 Archer Parkway,
Cheyenne, WY 82009.
Click here for more information.