Government and Politics
March 7, 2023
From: South Dakota Governor Larry RhodenPIERRE, S.D. – Yesterday, Governor Noem signed the following 19 bills into law:
SB 20 authorizes the awarding of deobligated grants in accordance with policies of the Board of Water and Natural Resources;
SB 46 enhances the penalty for petition circulation perjury;
SB 48 enhances the penalty for attempted first degree murder of a law enforcement officer;
SB 52 updates certain provisions regarding the Department of Corrections and the authority of the Secretary of Corrections;
SB 62 amends provisions regarding delivery of electronic insurance documents;
SB 102 requires the continued maintenance of the official list of candidates prior to an election;
SB 143 raises the revenue threshold for a required audit of a water development district;
SB 147 changes provisions regarding the appointment of legislators to represent South Dakota in the Streamlined Sales and Use Tax Agreement;
SB 179 revises provisions related to the South Dakota Science and Technology Authority;
SB 188 adds a provision related to the use of a designated refrigerant;
SB 200 authorizes participation in contracts by certain board members and employees of water districts;
HB 1029 revises certain provisions regarding the county zoning and appeals process;
HB 1112 modifies provisions for a statewide runoff election;
HB 1121 expands the definition of a pesticide dealer;
HB 1132 revises provisions regarding the duties of the medical marijuana oversight committee;
HB 1147 provides for the organization of townships or fractions of townships;
HB 1150 provides a medical cannabis patient a registry identification card fee waiver in certain circumstances;
HB 1158 bans counterfeit airbags; and,
HB 1210 modifies the use of conservation district special revenue fund monies and provides an appropriation therefor.
Governor Noem has signed 97 bills into law and vetoed 1 this legislative session.