
Advertise Your Business in the 2023/24 Welcome Home Guide

Clubs and Organizations

May 17, 2023

From: Auburn Area Chamber Of Commerce

Advertise Your Business to New Residents in
Auburn, Algona and Pacific!

Exciting Update...

Over the past year we have welcomed thousands of new residents to the Auburn, Algona, and Pacific area communities. Due to this surge of new opportunities for our business members, The Auburn Area Chamber of Commerce has partnered once again with Town Square Publications to publish our community wide 2023/24 WELCOME HOME with distribution in the Auburn, Algona, and Pacific areas.

Exclusive to business associates, WELCOME HOME will be directly mailed monthly to new movers of single-family homes, townhouses, and condos in the Auburn, Algona, and Pacific communities for the next year catching them at an important time as they establish new buying habits.

Expand your On-Line Visibility:

The online and mobile edition with links to the advertiser’s website and Google map locators will be accessible from the Chamber's home page and Town Square’s National Profile Network further extending the exposure of your advertising message and increasing your search engine optimization. 

Don't miss this opportunity to promote your business to new residents - on a monthly basis - all year long!
This is a prime opportunity to promote your business to newcomers. According to a study conducted by the National Association of Home Builders:

Roughly 40 million people move each year, meaning the average business needs to replace about 20% of its customer base that move away in any given year. (U.S. Census Bureau)
New homeowners spend more within 6 months than the average consumer spends in 3 years.
New mover expenditures total more than $150 billion annually.
New movers are 5 times more likely to become your long-term customers - if you reach them first.

Our Town Square representative Dac Randall may be reached direct at 253.861.6509. For more information email Dac at drandall@tspubs.com.

Get your business noticed and keep it successful. Purchase your advertising space in one of the most effective new mover programs available in the Auburn Area.

Creating tools for your success,

Kacie Bray

President & CEO / Auburn Area Chamber of Commerce

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