Off Road Expo and Parts Swap

Off Road Expo and Parts Swap

Saturday, Mar 1, 2025 from 12:00pm to 4:00pm


Bring out your off-road toys for a casual off-roader cruise-in and parts swap event at Great American Pizza and Subs March 1st 2025! Jeeps, SxS, trucks, buggies, bikes, what have you, if you run it off road bring it out and show it off! We're working on some awards etc, stay tuned for details. The restaurant opens at 11, roll-in begins 9:40am.

ATTENTION: DO NOT fall for scammers! ONLY Mother Road Media, Jay Reddig, and Dave DeWaard are the organizers of this event and the venue is hosted by the Great American Pizza and Subs.

ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTES! DM any of the above mentioned names with questions or concerns.

Thanks folks!

Note: There will be NO RACING at this event. Just an opportunity to show off your toys and network with like minded folks! Come back to Great American March 8th for March Madness Car Show and kids Powerwheels Racing and Truck Tug O War, hosted by Eric Brown!

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