Jax Poetry Fest

Jax Poetry Fest

Saturday, Apr 26, 2025 from 12:00pm to 1:00pm


The 10th Annual Jax Poetry Fest will kick off on Tuesday, April 1, 2025 with 100% FREE in-person and virtual events, performances, and exhibits. Check out our full schedule below filled with workshops, poetry performances and more! A big thank you to our partners and sponsors who make this community event possible.

Schedule Of Events

Virtual Poetry Workshop

Beauty and Truth Revision Techniques: You Need to Learn to Love This Part, featuring Laura Minor, Ph.D.

12:00 pm to 1:00 pm - Register on Eventbrite

Join Laura Minor, Ph.D. for a unique poetry workshop on beauty and truth revision techniques. Revision is the second hardest aspect of writing poetry, because the courage to begin is the first. Generating, revising, and publishing is the triangular model, but if you learn to love revision, you'll keep making! You can't be a writer if you don't revise. You have to face the drafts for quality control, distillation, and compression! Onward!

Laura Minor's "Bright Life, Animal Heart" won the 2023 Minds on Fire Open Book Prize. Her first book of poems, "Flowers as Mind Control," won the 2020 John Ciardi Poetry Prize. Her work has appeared in The Missouri Review, Ploughshares, The Cortland Review, Arc, Quiddity Intl., and North American Review among others. She studied poetry at Sarah Lawrence College, University of Florida, and Florida State University. Welcome!

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