Exodus Run 5k/10k

Exodus Run 5k/10k

Saturday, Apr 19, 2025 at 8:30am

119 E Water St


Addiction, Depression, Substance Abuse, Suicide; these are words that have become commonplace in our homes, communities, workplace, and lives right here in Eastern NC. From broken homes, devastated families, to fatherless children; these are the realities “we all” now face daily.

Saturday April 19th 2025, please come help F3 Washington make a difference in the lives of those that need “you” by providing “a road out of the bondage” of addiction.

“F3 Washington” will be holding our third annual 5K / 10K combination road race with an open to the public community breakfast provided by Haw Branch Church of Christ. The event will be held at Mac Hodges / Festival Park in Washington.

All proceeds for this event will go to our local District 2 Recovery Courts. Recovery Courts are an intensive, judicially supervised court intervention that targets individuals involved in the criminal and juvenile court systems with a substance use, mental health, or co-occurring disorder. This includes high-risk and high-need adult offenders, juveniles adjudicated in delinquency court, veterans, and parents involved in the abuse/ neglect/ dependency cases. A recovery Court is compromised of all of court and community professionals who closely manage cases so participants can become healthy, law-abiding, and productive family and community members.

The Haw Branch Church of Christ Community Breakfast is open to all (non-runners and runners alike). 

None of us will go untouched by this plague on society. You can make a difference!


Top 3 Overall Male and Female Runners

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