Dragon Faire

Dragon Faire

Sunday, Mar 16, 2025 from 11:00am to 5:00pm


Ladies, Lords, Royals and Peasants! Journey with us back to the past for our annual Dragon Faire. To a realm of knights, magic, monsters and wonder. The veil to another world opens and you can partake of a festival set before it's time!

We offer a Jr. Knighting Program where your young ones can choose to rise to the challenge of the realm. Complete the quest, meet interesting creatures and people along the way, show no fear, and have fun doing it. There will be two junior knighting ceremonies both days so be sure to arrive early enough to complete the challenge. Jr Knights ceremonies will be Sunday 2pm and 4pm.

We will be offering archery, weapons throwing, foam sword fighting, a working forge, merchants from across the realms, and opportunities for you to learn and experience many medieval activities. Relax in the Tavern, enjoy epic food, and share your story with friends. Make sure not to miss the amazing performances presented to you by specialized artist, hosted in the Great Hall throughout the day.

Finally join us at the Fighting Arena upon the close of the day for a fiery hot show by our very own Eastwind Under Flame Performers!

Tickets are on sale through Eventbrite, and at the Entrance Gate as cash only. Ticket prices are $16 for Adults 16 and up, $9 for children aged 4-15, and free for those 3 and under.

Check back often as we will be heralding the arrival of the various merchants and performers that will be joining us.

Participants are encouraged to carry mundane forms of payment, like paper and coins, as magic seems to have weakened the flow of cell phone reception in the area.

*note - If you are bringing weapon style props to enhance your costumes, please remember to make sure they are peace tied. This will be checked at the gate.

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