Cherry & Jerry: Women of Ragtime! Indian Trails Public Library

Saturday, Mar 29, 2025 from 2:00pm to 3:00pm


Women ragtime composers faced challenges – it wasn’t considered very “ladylike” to write this kind of music, and once they got married, they were expected to give up their composing career and raise a family. Still, a surprising amount of ragtime was written by young women, and much of it was very successful in its time. We’ll share some music by May Aufderheide of Indiana, considered the best of the female composers; Charlotte Blake of Detroit, who was known not only for ragtime but also for popular songs; and Irene Giblin, who got her start demonstrating sheet music in a St. Louis department store. Along with that we’ll meet some famous singers; vaudeville performer Sophie Tucker had an unusual rag written especially for her.Register here:

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