Annual St Patrick's Day O'Dora Dash

Monday, Mar 17, 2025 at 9:00am


4th Annual St Patrick's Day  O'Dora Dash

Think you’ve got the luck of the Irish AND the balance of a leprechaun? Prove it during this year’s Hamilton O’DORA Dash! That’s right—0.1K of gettin’ Irish jiggy with it while holding your DORA beer. The goal? Cross that finish line with at least half of that cup remaining!

- Music and dash shenanigans will get you dancing!
- Prizes for the jiggers with the fanciest feet, flair, AND beer!
- Additional prizes for best holiday fashion AND most beer remaining in that cup!

So grab your ticket now, lace up those Irish clogs, and see if you can jig your way to glory without losing your beer—or your dignity!

Event schedule:
9-10:00am: event sign in inside The Casual Pint (check in, pick up race number, sign waiver, grab a pre-race beer AND a piece of Ann Marie's Irish Soda Bread!)
10am - Ohio's Shortest SPD Parade begins in front of Municipal Brew Works
10:25am: grab event beverage from inside The Casual Pint
10:30am: first Dashers get dashin' and jiggn'!
11-11:30am: winners are announced, prizes given out, shenanigans commence! (note that the winner announcement time is dependent on Dash wrap-up time)

Click here to buy tickets

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