Annual Jensen Beach Garden Expo

Annual Jensen Beach Garden Expo

Saturday, Mar 1, 2025 from 9:00am to 3:00pm

1707 NorthEast Indian River Drive


The 2025 Jensen Beach Garden Expo will be held on Saturday, March 1, 2025 at Indian Riverside Park, in front of Dockside Pavillion. The event will be better than ever, with more parking, extra food trucks, and lot's of door prizes.

Over 35 vendors offer backyard garden supplies and plants including bonsais, orchids, herbs, trees, art and more

While you meander through the show, grab a cool beverage, ice cream, light fare, sandwiches and coffee.

What's in Store:

The Expo is specialty garden fair showcasing the best local vendors offering lush tropical plants, native species, vibrant orchids, and unique finds like succulents, herbs, and outdoor art. Stock up on gardening supplies, learn from live presentations, enjoy hands-on demos, and win free door prizes donated by our vendors throughout the day. It’s a fun and educational day for all plant lovers, from beginners to seasoned pros! Presenters include sessions on dragon fruit, edible plants, bonsais and pests in the landscape.

You can also purchase our cookbook: Seeds of Flavor, The Jensen Beach Garden Club Cookbook. $20 including tax and fees.

10:30 AM Rep+le Rumble - Scales & Tails
Presenter: Tracy Boothby, Hobe Sound Nature Center
This interac,ve presenta,on will use live to learn about their habitats and
their importance to the Florida Ecosystem. Learn about alligators, tortoises
and snakes.
11:30 AM Incorpora+ng Edible Landscapes Using Florida Na+ves
Presenter: Sean McBride, TruGreens Landscape Designs, LLC
This presenta,on will discuss edible landscapes that incorporate Florida
na,ve plants, food forestry, permaculture prac,ces and se?ng up your
exis,ng landscapes for success.
12:30 PM Introduc+on to Dragon Fruit
Presenter: Stephen Shimizu, East Coast Dragon Fruit
This talk will showcase several new varie,es and explain how to grow
them and avoid problems. Local collectors, including Stephen, have some
of the largest collec,ons of dragon fruit varie,es in the na,on.
1:30 PM Styling a Bonsai
Presenter: Robert Pinder, Dragon Tree Bonsai Nursery
Robert will introduce people to bonsai as a hobby; he will touch on selec,ng
the proper tree and styling for future development using hor,culture and
bonsai techniques. Robert has been working with bonsais for over 50 years.

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