The Wheeling Lions Club, Inc., was chartered by Lions International on January 6, 1922, making it the second oldest Lions Club in Multiple District 29, State of West Virginia. The Charter Membership consisted of sixty five men from the city of Wheeling
Charles H. Watkins, who was active in the formation of the Club, was selected as its first President.
Since the organization of the Club, it has had on its roster many of the leading and outstanding citizens of the community. It has been credited with many firsts in its charity organization. Notably, it was the first in Lions International to collect old eyeglass frames and use their salvage value to purchase new glasses. Later, this broadened to include the collection of any old gold or other precious metals for their salvage value. This is still one of the active projects of the Club.
The Lions Club of Wheeling was the first Service Club in the City of Wheeling to sponsor the manning of the Salvation Army Christmas Kettles and was instrumental in having this project spread to other clubs. Over the years this Club has continued to maintain its leadership role in obtaining contributions for this worthy project.
For many years the Club sponsored a West Virginia - Ohio All Star Basketball Game as its main fund raising project. Unfortunately, this has been discontinued. In its place and as the major project, the distribution of Lions Sight Saving Seals was undertaken. To this day the remnants of this project live on in our Sight Preservation Campaign, a direct mailing to the citizens of the City of Wheeling and the County of Ohio, West Virginia, as our primary fund raising activity. Through these projects, the Club has been able to continue its sight saving work as a result of the generous contributions received from the Sight Preservation Campaign.
In 1969 the Wheeling Lions Club, at a time when the county was showing disrespect for law and order, sponsored a Testimonial Dinner in honor of the Law Enforcement officers of the city. This event has continued annually to this day and has been recognized by many International Associations for its unique character.