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Town of Dennis

685 Route 134

Dennis, named an All American Town in 1978, combines its traditional New England heritage with modern day conveniences. The villages of East Dennis, Dennis and South Dennis feature scenic historic districts hailing back to whaling days, while tranquil tree-lined streets meander through Dennisport and West Dennis.

Sixteen inviting beaches lie on the warm waters of Nantucket Sound to the south and on the crisp refreshing waters of Cape Cod Bay to the north. Numerous recreation trails offer healthful relaxation, and well developed business districts throughout the villages provide ample goods and services. Residents of Dennis feel a sense of pride in their home by the sea

The quiet little town, incorporated in 1793, was named for Josiah Dennis, a favorite minister. The town was involved in the maritime activities of the 1800's and was full of the amazing tales of clipper ship adventures. As the twentieth century approached and the glory days of sea captains faded, Dennis residents turned to commercial fishing and land-based industries
