The mission of Allaire Village, Inc. is to assist and advise the State of New Jersey in certain phases of the development, restoration, preservation, interpretation, and operation of the Historic Howell Works within Allaire State Park. To accomplish this mission, the Corporation shall be known as the Historic Village at Allaire.Shall promote the historical, aesthetic, and cultural significance of the Historic Howell Works by means of news media, exhibits, displays, demonstrations, cultural programs, tours, seminars, conferences, interpretive programs, publications, and any other acceptable and approved means.Shall review the plans of the State as related to Historic Howell Works in Allaire State Park.Shall develop, produce, and distribute educational material and conduct school and public educational tours and programs. Shall maintain a historical library directly pertaining to the Historic Howell Works. Shall encourage and participate in the acquisition, restoration, preservation, research and display of apppriate and/or related artifacts and memorabilia. Shall acknowledge and catalogue all items acquired by gift and keep a permanent up-to-date record of same. Shall purchase appropriate items for use in the Historic Howell Works. Shall raise funds to carry out the objective by any acceptable and approved means and shall encourage contributions from private individuals, groups, and organizations.