The Exceptional Foundation of South Mississippi, Inc. (, is in the process of obtaining non-profit status with the IRS. We are an affiliate of the Exceptional Foundation of Birmingham, AL ( ; in operation since 1993). We provide a fee for service day program to adults with disabilities in the Jackson County, Mississippi community that includes arts and crafts, etiquette and table manners, exercise/fitness, recreational sports activities, music, social skills, community awareness, and field trips for educational and recreational purposes.
Caregivers may volunteer however, our program is also intended as a respite for family members and other caregivers. We offer full day, half day, and drop in programs to allow caregivers the opportunity to work or have much needed personal time with the assurance that their special needs adult is in a safe environment where he or she is treated with respect, can enjoy quality time with peers, and is able to participate in stimulating and fun activities. There is no upper age limit for participants, however all participants must meet the following admissions criteria*
Must be 18 years of age and older (may be flexible on a limited basis subject to the discretion of the Executive Director).
Participants must have independent self-help skills (i.e. toileting, eating, etc.
Participants must be able to follow simple verbal commands and participate in activities with minimum assistance from staff. Anger (combative) issues must be minimal and manageable or, at the discretion of the staff, participant could be sent home or even dismissed from the program.
Participants enrolled in the program must have established social maturity to the degree that he or she is able to interact in a meaningful way with other program participants, staff, and volunteers.
The physical, cognitive, and medical needs of participants must be such that they do not require one-on-one assistance, medical personnel on staff, or exceed established participant/staff ratio of 10:1.
The Exceptional Foundation does not staff medical personnel. Participants must be able to administer their own medication if needed. The Exceptional Foundation will establish a medication reminder system upon request. If a participant requires medical personnel on-site or one on one supervision, that participant must have his or her own qualified attendant present at all times. The Exceptional Foundation is not responsible for the actions or quality of care by these personal attendants.
*All participants are subject to a qualification interview.
The program offered by The Exceptional Foundation of South Mississippi is volunteer driven. It is the goal of The Exceptional Foundation of South Mississippi to keep participant fees low and to offer scholarships to those who cannot afford to pay as funding allows. The main objective of the program is to create a quality program that is safe and fun for the adult exceptional community. As a volunteer driven program, the Exceptional Foundation of South Mississippi offers the opportunity for hands on training to teachers, social workers, caregivers and others involved with exceptional citizens. Those needing service hours to complete educational and/or training requirements may volunteer to work with our participants based on their own schedule. We also solicit charitable services and aid from area college and high school clubs, community clubs & organizations and, daily, from individual volunteers. If you are a member of a local club/organization or an individual and are interested in more information about volunteering or sponsoring activities, please feel free to contact us for more information at [email protected] or Debby Slater at 228-623-2824.