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St. Elizabeth Roman Catholic Church

We are a community, loved and formed by God, nourished by Jesus Christ, and inspired by the Holy Spirit. We seek to create an environment of love and trust in which ALL members of the Parish may worship and find a place for their faith to grow, while helping them to live out the teachings of Jesus.

Bringing the corporal and spiritual works of mercy into our modern-day lives, our goals are:

A. To reach out to all by making our parish a center for everyone…..where seniors, parents, single adults youth, and children can come together to find social and spiritual activities that have Christ at their core.

B. To develop programs which inspire us to serve God and our fellow men and women.

C. To promote the strengthening of the family unit, assisting parents in the teaching of the Faith and Morals of Christian living and the strengthening of their family bond through the practice of the Catholic Faith.

D. To foster group and individual prayer helping us to communicate with God, daily, on a personal level.

E. To provide spiritual education for ALL, on both a formal and informal basis.

F. To perform random acts of kindness to help all parishioners and neighbors in any way in which they need help and to encourage them to help others.