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Shoreline ArtsTrail

Guilford Art Center, 411 ChurCh St

About Us:


The Shoreline ArtsTrail was started in 2001 by a small group of shoreline artists. Their intent was to create an annual open studios event to allow local residents and weekend visitors to interact with artists and experience the creative process first-hand. The seeds were planted and began to grow. 

Three years later, grants from the Connecticut Commission on Culture and Tourism and from the towns of Branford, Guilford and Madison, dramatically accelerated the project. The number of artists almost doubled, as did the types of media, which now includes jewelry, sculpture, fiber, paint, glass, pottery, metal, and textiles. With the invaluable support of the Guilford Art Center, the vigorous group of Open Studio artists morphed into a year-long Shoreline ArtsTrail. The combined efforts of all parties led to the ArtsTrail receiving the Compass Award for Excellence in Partnership in 2007 from the Greater New Haven Visitors' Bureau.