The mission of Pittsfield Community Television, Inc., a non-profit Public, Educational and Governmemtal (PEG) access organization, is to provide access to cablecast time throught the medium of television and related technologies to the citizens and community organizations of Pittsfield, and to provide training, production facilities and cablecast time to enable its members to produce community programming.
Established in 1986, PCTV operates its three channels on TWC, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The channels are seen daily in Pittsfield, Dalton, and Richmond, MA.
The Public Access channel called "Access Pittsfield" "airs" programming about local topics, community events, parades, concerts, sports, and the arts.
The education channel is called "Educational Television Access (ETV) and it "airs" all the local education issues, meetings, school concerts, plays, school sports, graduations
The Government channel is called "CityLink" it carries all the govermental events, meetings, press conferences and government official visits.
We serve all social agencies that serve the city and provide outreach for them as well as volunteer oportunites, and events.
We currently have 290 vounteer member of the organization, that include many community service groups such as Elder Services, Civitan, Lyons Club and many others. Member/volunteers are trained in the skills needed to produce television programming.
Last year we put on more that 18,000 hours on the Time Warner Cable system.
PCTV is funded by the subscribers of Time Warner cable, grants, membership fees, and generous donations