About the School:
Palmetto Elementary School is focused on providing quality instruction, parent development and student achievement. Parents are a critical part of the success of a school and we at Palmetto Elementary welcome their input, presence, and support.
At Palmetto Elementary School we use a variety of communication methods with our parents:
- Monthly newsletters are sent home to parents that include parenting tips
- Teachers send home monthly curriculum letters that highlight specific content that is taught for each month as well as solicit parental help
- Each teacher is required to document parent contacts monthly
-Students in grade K-5 take home an individual agenda book that includes daily homework assignments and address any areas of concern.
The 2004 school year marked the grand opening of the Palmetto Elementary School Parent Resource Room. It is packed with valuable resources for parents to take home and use with their students. Teachers often refer parents to the Parent Resource room to check out particular materials in an area the child needs additional support.
Additionally, Palmetto Elementary School is fortunate to have several active business partners who are committed to supporting student achievement. One example is the volunteer reader program we have initiated as part of our ongoing partnership with the City of Palmetto government. We are truly committed to building successful partnerships with parents and community members in order to increase student achievement at Palmetto Elementary School.