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New Fairfield Lions Club

The New Fairfield Lions Club was chartered March 12, 1952, the first service organization to be formed in New Fairfield.

Since it's inception, the Club has developed multiple service projects taking place throughout the year. These service projects include annual events such as the Fourth of July parade, Easter Egg hunt, Breakfast with Santa, senior citizen end of summer picnic and holiday luncheon, spring clean-up of the Girl Scout Camp, holiday decorations in the town center, collecting eye glasses to be redistributed to the needy, and eye screenings. In addition, the Club Foundation account contributes to it's local community through financial support of programs such as, local athletic leagues, drug awareness programs, the New Fairfield Public Schools Wish List, Ability Beyond Disability, Dreams Come True, Regional Hospice, and donations to the Fuel Bank and Food Bank administered by the local Social Services administrator. Annually the Club provides scholarships to local high school and vocational school graduates, with contributions to date totaling in excess of $150,000.

Beyond our local community, the New Fairfield Lions Club provides annual support to Lions Club International Foundation, Connecticut Lions Eye Research Foundation, Camp Hemlocks, Fidelco, Low Vision Center, District Pride, Speech and Hearing and Diabetes Awareness.

In the early 1950's the New Fairfield Lions Club founded the local little league baseball program, which has grown from 30 children to a current enrollment in excess of 500 boys and girls each season. The Club is also the sponsor of Boy Scout Troops 42 and 137, as well as Cub Scout Pack 142, and continues to provide financial support.

In 1994 the Club designed and built a gazebo on Memorial Field, which it donated to the Town of New Fairfield, and is used throughout the year for various community events.

On January 19, 1998 a Leo's Club was chartered  in the New Fairfield public schools with forty five middle and high school age youth.  Since that time, the Lions and Leos have worked closely, each organization supporting the other in it's service to the community.

Service projects are supported by multiple fundraising events including an annual summer carnival, antique car show, vacation raffle, selling Entertainment Books and holiday coloring books, Sight Saver Day, casino and horse track bus trips, and bus trips to sporting events.

Several members of the Club have served in various leadership positions, including appointments to District and Multiple District Committees, and as Region and Zone Chairs. The Club has supported two District Governors who also served as Council Chairs, including 2004-2005 Council Chair Robert Redenz.

Upcoming Events at New Fairfield Lions Club

Easter Egg Hunt

Saturday, Apr 5, 2025 at 9:00am
New Fairfield High School
New Fairfield, CT
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