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4 Old Mine Drift
Neighbors and Newcomers of Chester is a non-profit organization for new and existing residents of Chester Borough, Chester Township and surrounding towns. The purpose of our organization is to provide a forum for members to take part in a variety of activities within the community. Activities include:
Monthly Coffees Have a cup of coffee and get to know the people in your community.
Book Club Monthly book reviews at a member's home
Bunko Ladies get together monthly to enjoy bunko and conversation. No experience necessary. A great way to meet new people.
The Dinner Group Enjoy an evening out with friends, old and new. 8-10 couples will gather at one house and be assigned to bring one course. A different theme and menu will be selected ahead of time.
Hiking Club Explore nature's beauty with an adventuresome group of hikers who meet weekly to enjoy all seasons. A fabulous group that is out rain or shine!
Men's Poker Night Every quarter the men get together to enjoy poker. All skill levels welcome. A different host each time.
Moms and More Mothers and children get together for fun play dates & activities throughout the months. Knitting Club A knitting circle for those with basic knitting skills. This group will meet monthly.
Wine Tasting Gatherings Explore the world of fine wines at gatherings hosted by our members.