About Us:
Founded in 1979, NAMI works to achieve equitable services and treatment for more than 15 million Americans nationwide who live with severe mental illnesses. It also provides support and education for the families of those afflicted.
Hundreds of thousands of volunteers participate in more than 1,000 local affiliates and 50 state organizations (see “Resources” page) to provide education and support, combat stigma, support increased funding for research and advocate for adequate health insurance, housing, rehabilitation and jobs for people with mental illnesses and their families.
NAMI offers and shares compassion, hope, education, coping and advocacy skills to families and friends of the mentally ill. We seek to understand the illness which affects our loved ones, and find ways to make our lives more endurable. We hope that by coming together as a support group we will find common ground on which to work towards better relationships with our mentally ill family members.
Dedicated to improving the quality of life for people with mental illness and their families through support, education, and advocacy.
In our envisioned future mental illness will no longer thwart a person’s fulfillment of his or her potential. With early pinpoint diagnoses, interventions and targeted medications and services there is no pervasive disability. Ultimately, we envision a day when prevention or a cure is found.
On May 15th, NAMI Summit County (the National Alliance on Mental Illness) held its annual luncheon at the Akron/Fairlawn Hilton. Three hundred and fifty people packed the ballroom to hear Corey Minor Smith, national speaker, renowned attorney, noted…
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