Our mission statement explains the priorities and focus of the Body of Christ at Mount Olive. The organization of the church, our ministry programs and even the talents of our staff reflect back on this simple statement.
We are called by God to...
Reach Out - Outreach is an important part of God's mission for the Church. Mount Olive has an active outreach ministry - so much so, that Mount Olive was approached by the Rocky Mountain District of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod to plant a mission congregation in Southeast Aurora. On January 23, 2005, "Mount Olive East" held its first worship service at Antelope Ridge Elementary school. Now, over a year later, this new congregation has adopted its own name, "Cross of Christ Lutheran Church" and is continuing to grow.
Care for - Mount Olive has a particularly strong "caring" ministry program. The small group ministry helps numerous members create connections within the congregation, forming "circles of care with Christ at the center." The Stephen Ministry program equips lay people to provide confidential, one-to-one Christian care to individuals in the congregation and community who are experiencing difficulties in their lives. The Mount Olive Young Adults Group provides Christian fellowship, service opportunities, bible studies and plenty of fun for young adults without children - a growing segment of our population that traditionally has a hard time getting "plugged-in" to a church home. There are many other targeted ministries, service events, charity drives and other opportunities for members to provide Christian compassion and care to others in the congregation and community.
Build people toward maturity in Christ - Growing toward maturity in Christ is a lifelong journey, and Mount Olive provides resources and support at all points along the way. Numerous educational programs are offered for young children, middle school and high school youth, adults of all ages, parents and families. Sunday School and adult bible study classes are offered every Sunday morning during the school year; Wednesday night Oasis offers numerous youth and adult bible study programs, as well as junior high confirmation classes.